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View all- Li SJang SSung Y(2019)Melody Extraction and Encoding Method for Generating Healthcare Music AutomaticallyElectronics10.3390/electronics81112508:11(1250)Online publication date: 31-Oct-2019
Music plays an important role in our daily life. With the development of deep learning and modern generation techniques, researchers have done plenty of works on automatic music generation. However, due to the special requirements of both melody and ...
We present a method for the generation of Midi files of piano music. The method models the right and left hands using two networks, where the left hand is conditioned on the right hand. This way, the melody is generated before the harmony. The ...
Pop music generation has always been an attractive topic for both musicians and scientists for a long time. However, automatically composing pop music with a satisfactory structure is still a challenging issue. In this paper, we propose to leverage ...
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