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Designing Future Employment Applications for Underserved Job Seekers: A Speed Dating Study

Published: 08 June 2018 Publication History


Modern Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) support job searches, resume creation, career development, and professional self-presentation. However, these technological tools are often tailored to high-income, highly educated users and white-collar professionals. It is unclear what interventions address the needs of job seekers who have limited resources or education, or who may be underserved in other ways. We gathered insights from the literature and generated ten tangible design concepts to address the needs of underserved job seekers. We then conducted a needs validation and speed dating study to understand which concepts were most viable among our population. We found that the three most preferred concepts immediately addressed job seekers' social and personal needs, where addressing social needs meant mediating job seekers' connections to others and supporting our job seekers' limited access to strong ties.

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    DIS '18: Proceedings of the 2018 Designing Interactive Systems Conference
    June 2018
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    Published: 08 June 2018


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    1. design
    2. employment
    3. needs validation
    4. speed dating
    5. underserved job seekers


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