Cited By
View all- García Cabello JCastillo PAguilar-Luzon MChiclana FHerrera-Viedma E(2021)A Methodology for Redesigning Networks by Using Markov Random FieldsMathematics10.3390/math91213899:12(1389)Online publication date: 15-Jun-2021
The number and the scale of natural disasters have drastically increased over the last decades. One of the most vital stages of disaster preparedness is disaster response planning, and it plays an important role in limiting material and immaterial ...
Millions of affected people and thousands of victims are consequences of earthquakes, every year. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare a proper preparedness and response planning. The objectives of this paper are i) minimizing the expected value ...
Humanitarian relief logistics is one of the most important elements of a relief operation in disaster management. The present work develops a multi-objective robust stochastic programming approach for disaster relief logistics under uncertainty. In our ...
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