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10.1145/2939918.2939932acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PageswisecConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Shatter: Using Threshold Cryptography to Protect Single Users with Multiple Devices

Published: 18 July 2016 Publication History


The average computer user is no longer restricted to one device. They may have several devices and expect their applications to work on all of them. A challenge arises when these applications need the cryptographic private key of the devices' owner. Here the device owner typically has to manage keys manually with a "keychain" app, which leads to private keys being transferred insecurely between devices -- or even to other people. Even with intuitive synchronization mechanisms, theft and malware still pose a major risk to keys. Phones and watches are frequently removed or set down, and a single compromised device leads to the loss of the owner's private key, a catastrophic failure that can be quite difficult to recover from.
We introduce Shatter, an open-source framework that runs on desktops, Android, and Android Wear, and performs key distribution on a user's behalf. Shatter uses threshold cryptography to turn the security weakness of having multiple devices into a strength. Apps that delegate cryptographic operations to Shatter have their keys compromised only when a threshold number of devices are compromised by the same attacker. We demonstrate how our framework operates with two popular Android apps (protecting identity keys for a messaging app, and encryption keys for a note-taking app) in a backwards-compatible manner: only Shatter users need to move to a Shatter-aware version of the app. Shatter has minimal impact on app performance, with signatures and decryption being calculated in 0.5s and security proofs in 14s.


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cover image ACM Conferences
WiSec '16: Proceedings of the 9th ACM Conference on Security & Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks
July 2016
242 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 18 July 2016


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  1. cryptography
  2. key
  3. management
  4. mobile
  5. privacy
  6. security
  7. threshold


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