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View all- Saffre FHildmann H(2021)Adaptive Behaviour for a Self-Organising Video Surveillance System Using a Genetic AlgorithmAlgorithms10.3390/a1403007414:3(74)Online publication date: 25-Feb-2021
Research on optimization in continuous domains gains much of focus in swarm computation recently. A hybrid ant colony optimization approach which combines with the continuous population-based incremental learning and the differential evolution for ...
This paper presents a hybridization of particle swarm optimization (PSO) and artificial bee colony (ABC) approaches, based on recombination procedure. The PSO and ABC are population-based iterative methods. While the PSO directly uses the global best ...
This paper focuses on understanding the message complexity of randomized agreement in synchronous distributed networks. We focus on the so-called implicit agreement problem where each node starts with an input value (0 or 1) and at the end one or more ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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