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10.1145/2816839.2816876acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesiciipConference Proceedingsconference-collections

EMeD-Part: An Efficient Methodology for Horizontal Partitioning in Data Warehouses

Published: 23 November 2015 Publication History


Nowadays, data warehouses store Peta-bytes of data. Queries defined on data warehouses are generally complex. Several techniques are used for optimizing queries in data warehouses such as indexes, partitioning and materialized views. Selecting the best configuration of indexes, or partitions or materialized views are all NP-hard. Here, we focus on the horizontal partitioning problem in data warehouses. Several approaches were proposed for solving horizontal partitioning problem in data warehouses including genetic algorithms using a small set of query workload in general. We present a new methodology based on data mining and particle swarm optimization for solving the horizontal partitioning problem in data warehouses using relatively large query workload. First, we compute attraction between predicates followed by a hierarchical clustering of predicates. In the second step, we use discrete particle swarm optimization for selecting the best partitioning schema. Several experiments are performed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach and the results are compared to the best well known method so far, the genetic algorithm based approach. The proposed approach is found to be faster and more effective than the genetic algorithm based approach for solving the data warehouse horizontal partitioning.


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  • (2020)Static and incremental dynamic approaches for multi-objective bitmap join indexes selection in data warehousesThe Journal of Supercomputing10.1007/s11227-020-03423-7Online publication date: 10-Sep-2020
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  • (2019)Comparative Analysis of Our Association Rules Based Approach and a Genetic Approach for OLAP PartitioningNetworked Systems10.1007/978-3-030-05529-5_28(391-403)Online publication date: 5-Jan-2019
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  1. EMeD-Part: An Efficient Methodology for Horizontal Partitioning in Data Warehouses



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    Published In

    cover image ACM Other conferences
    IPAC '15: Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Information Processing, Security and Advanced Communication
    November 2015
    495 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 23 November 2015


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    Author Tags

    1. Data mining
    2. Data warehouses physical design
    3. Horizontal partitioning
    4. Particle swarm optimization


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    • (2020)Static and incremental dynamic approaches for multi-objective bitmap join indexes selection in data warehousesThe Journal of Supercomputing10.1007/s11227-020-03423-7Online publication date: 10-Sep-2020
    • (2019)OLAP cube partitioning based on association rules methodApplied Intelligence10.1007/s10489-018-1275-249:2(420-434)Online publication date: 1-Feb-2019
    • (2019)Comparative Analysis of Our Association Rules Based Approach and a Genetic Approach for OLAP PartitioningNetworked Systems10.1007/978-3-030-05529-5_28(391-403)Online publication date: 5-Jan-2019
    • (2018)A Comprehensive Survey on Distributed Transactions Based Data Partitioning2018 Fourth International Conference on Computing Communication Control and Automation (ICCUBEA)10.1109/ICCUBEA.2018.8697589(1-5)Online publication date: Aug-2018

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