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10.1145/2815400.2815407acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagessospConference Proceedingsconference-collections
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Interruptible tasks: treating memory pressure as interrupts for highly scalable data-parallel programs

Published: 04 October 2015 Publication History


Real-world data-parallel programs commonly suffer from great memory pressure, especially when they are executed to process large datasets. Memory problems lead to excessive GC effort and out-of-memory errors, significantly hurting system performance and scalability. This paper proposes a systematic approach that can help data-parallel tasks survive memory pressure, improving their performance and scalability without needing any manual effort to tune system parameters. Our approach advocates interruptible task (ITask), a new type of data-parallel tasks that can be interrupted upon memory pressure---with part or all of their used memory reclaimed---and resumed when the pressure goes away.
To support ITasks, we propose a novel programming model and a runtime system, and have instantiated them on two state-of-the-art platforms Hadoop and Hyracks. A thorough evaluation demonstrates the effectiveness of ITask: it has helped real-world Hadoop programs survive 13 out-of-memory problems reported on StackOverflow; a second set of experiments with 5 already well-tuned programs in Hyracks on datasets of different sizes shows that the ITask-based versions are 1.5--3x faster and scale to 3--24x larger datasets than their regular counterparts.

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Out of memory error due to large spill buffer.
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Out of memory error in efficient sharded positional indexer.
Out of memory error in hash join using distributed-cache.
Out of memory error in map-side aggregation.
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SOSP '15: Proceedings of the 25th Symposium on Operating Systems Principles
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