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10.1145/2896387.2900319acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesiccConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Analysis and Interpretation of Brain Wave Signals

Published: 22 March 2016 Publication History


Brainwave Computer Interface (BCI) application has the potential to improve the quality of life for disabled patients and overall improvement of human thought concentration. In this paper, BCI is implemented using NeuroSky's EEG biosensor. Brain wave signal analysis is presented through the consideration of a noisy environment to simulate a BCI in real world application. A total of 256 data points are acquired in each thought. The data are documented using MATLAB software via Bluetooth. A real time recording is implemented with different captured thoughts among seven participants. The standard deviation of the Mean Sample Value (MSV) and Value Above Zero(VAZ) shows high variation for the thought of backward, forward, left and move in comparison of each trial. The VAZ rate and Zero Crossing Rate (ZCR) have very minimal standard deviation in comparison of each trial. This shows that the environment could affect the concentration of the signals. The average of the results of each thought is also presented, in which each thought has distinct characteristics among other thoughts. This means that classification is possible even noise or interruption is present in the surroundings and wireless transmission is utilized. The total number of peak points was recorded in each EEG sample. Also, the correlation coefficients among three participants having the same tasked were analyzed.


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  • (2019)Design and Development of a Mobile EEG Data Analytics Framework2019 IEEE Fifth International Conference on Big Data Computing Service and Applications (BigDataService)10.1109/BigDataService.2019.00059(333-339)Online publication date: Apr-2019



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ICC '16: Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet of things and Cloud Computing
March 2016
535 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 22 March 2016


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  1. BCI
  2. Feature Extraction
  3. NeuroSky
  4. Noisy Environment
  5. Peak Points


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  • (2019)Design and Development of a Mobile EEG Data Analytics Framework2019 IEEE Fifth International Conference on Big Data Computing Service and Applications (BigDataService)10.1109/BigDataService.2019.00059(333-339)Online publication date: Apr-2019

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