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View all- talib Raheem MAvci I(2024)Internet of Things Data Privacy and Security-Based on Blockchain TechnologyForthcoming Networks and Sustainability in the AIoT Era10.1007/978-3-031-62881-8_5(52-63)Online publication date: 26-Jun-2024
- Khan AKhan MKhan JAhmad AKhan KZamir MKim WIjaz M(2021)Analyzing and Evaluating Critical Challenges and Practices for Software Vendor Organizations to Secure Big Data on Cloud Computing: An AHP-Based Systematic ApproachIEEE Access10.1109/ACCESS.2021.31002879(107309-107332)Online publication date: 2021
- Khan AKhan MKhan JKhan JGul W(2021)Identification and prioritization of security challenges of big data on cloud computing based on SLR: A fuzzy‐TOPSIS analysis approachJournal of Software: Evolution and Process10.1002/smr.2387Online publication date: 7-Nov-2021
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