Cited By
View all- Dhinakaran KNedunchelian RBalasundaram A(2021)Crowdsourcing: Descriptive Study on Algorithms and Frameworks for PredictionArchives of Computational Methods in Engineering10.1007/s11831-021-09577-8Online publication date: 4-Apr-2021
In this paper, I introduce an approach for obtaining semantic annotations in specialized and knowledge intensive domains. In particular, I consider the case of classical and historic Islamic texts, primarily the Qur'an and the books of Prophetic ...
The vision of Semantic Web can be realized when there are masses of machine-processable semantic metadata. Manual construction of metadata is not feasible, methods for automated semantic annotation have been developed. Semantic annotation is the process ...
Parsing the semantic structure of a web page is a key component of web information extraction. Successful extraction algorithms usually require large-scale training and evaluation datasets, which are difficult to acquire. Recently, crowdsourcing has ...
International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee
Republic and Canton of Geneva, Switzerland
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