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10.1145/2856400.2856410acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication Pagesi3dConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Path patterns: analyzing and comparing real and simulated crowds

Published: 27 February 2016 Publication History


Crowd simulation has been an active and important area of research in the field of interactive 3D graphics for several decades. However, only recently has there been an increased focus on evaluating the fidelity of the results with respect to real-world situations. The focus to date has been on analyzing the properties of low-level features such as pedestrian trajectories, or global features such as crowd densities. We propose a new approach based on finding latent Path Patterns in both real and simulated data in order to analyze and compare them. Unsupervised clustering by non-parametric Bayesian inference is used to learn the patterns, which themselves provide a rich visualization of the crowd's behaviour. To this end, we present a new Stochastic Variational Dual Hierarchical Dirichlet Process (SV-DHDP) model. The fidelity of the patterns is then computed with respect to a reference, thus allowing the outputs of different algorithms to be compared with each other and/or with real data accordingly.

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I3D '16: Proceedings of the 20th ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games
February 2016
200 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 27 February 2016


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  1. clustering
  2. crowd comparison
  3. crowd simulation
  4. data-driven
  5. hierarchical dirichlet process
  6. stochastic optimization


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I3D '16
I3D '16: Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games
February 27 - 28, 2016
Washington, Redmond

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