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Cryptographic Theory Meets Practice: Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Payments for Public Transport

Published: 27 March 2015 Publication History


We propose a new lightweight cryptographic payment scheme for transit systems, called P4R (Privacy-Preserving Pre-Payments with Refunds), which is suitable for low-cost user devices with limited capabilities. Using P4R, users deposit money to obtain one-show credentials, where each credential allows the user to make an arbitrary ride on the system. The trip fare is determined on-the-fly at the end of the trip. If the deposit for the credential exceeds this fare, the user obtains a refund. Refund values collected over several trips are aggregated in a single token, thereby saving memory and increasing privacy. Our solution builds on Brands’s e-cash scheme to realize the prepayment system and on Boneh-Lynn-Shacham (BLS) signatures to implement the refund capabilities. Compared to a Brands-only solution for transportation payment systems, P4R allows us to minimize the number of coins a user needs to pay for his rides and thus minimizes the number of expensive withdrawal transactions, as well as storage requirements for the fairly large coins. Moreover, P4R enables flexible pricing because it allows for exact payments of arbitrary amounts (within a certain range) using a single fast paying (and refund) transaction. Fortunately, the mechanisms enabling these features require very little computational overhead. Choosing contemporary security parameters, we implemented P4R on a prototyping payment device and show its suitability for future transit payment systems. Estimation results demonstrate that the data required for 20 rides consume less than 10KB of memory, and the payment and refund transactions during a ride take less than half a second. We show that malicious users are not able to cheat the system by receiving a refund that exceeds the overall deposit minus the overall fare and can be identified during double-spending checks. At the same time, the system protects the privacy of honest users in that transactions are anonymous (except for deposits) and trips are unlinkable.

Supplementary Material

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Supplemental movie, appendix, image and software files for, Cryptographic Theory Meets Practice: Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Payments for Public Transport


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Amos O Olagunju

Electronic devices for executing transactions in real time for applications such as transit systems and vending machines require safekeeping mechanisms for users. But how should customers who use low-cost devices with scarce storage securely perform transactions on systems with imperfect instantaneous processing power__?__ Rupp and colleagues offer cryptographic ideas for effectively preserving the privacy of customers who use devices with insufficient storage and processing time to carry out transactions in public transportation systems. Readers unfamiliar with the Diffie-Hellman key exchanges, the reliability of the discrete logarithm, the applications of zero-knowledge proofs, and Galois fields should browse the concepts of these security protocols in Trappe and Washington [1], prior to exploring the assumptions and proofs of the trustworthy algorithms for providing security in real-world application systems in this paper. The authors present a privacy-preserving payment for public transportation system (P4TS) with voyage go-ahead voucher (VGAV), reimbursement estimation ticket (RET), and repayment token (RT) subsystems. The users in P4TS purchase tickets from an offline VGAV subsystem. The VGAV subsystem encodes the identification of each user on each ticket. Each user inserts a ticket into a reader at an access gate, applies a zero-knowledge proof to validate his/her identity to gain entrance into the P4TS, and receives a stamped RET that contains the date and time, reader identification, and message authentication code of the VGAV. At the exit gate, the user submits the RET and an RT to a reader. The reader computes the trip fare and transfers any balance to the RT for reimbursement at a vending machine. Test results from the prototype implementation of the P4TS reveal that (1) the display of a VGAV and obtaining an RET can be efficiently executed on some devices; (2) the time to obtain a refund is more costly; and (3) buying trip tokens consumes more processing time due to the elliptic curve cryptography used in this project. Nevertheless, the performance of the P4TS has a constant runtime for all withdrawal and spending fares, as opposed to the linear time growth of the well-known Brands's e-cash algorithm. Clearly, the paper presents reliable probabilistic algorithms and security protocols that enable users to enroll with the VGAV subsystem, use tokens, and receive accurate refunds from the P4TS. The authors provide convincing lemmas and formal proofs to illustrate the security of the VGAV, RET, and RT subsystems. I strongly encourage all database and user security experts to read and weigh in on the insightful and practical safekeeping ideas in this paper. Online Computing Reviews Service

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Published In

cover image ACM Transactions on Information and System Security
ACM Transactions on Information and System Security  Volume 17, Issue 3
March 2015
124 pages
  • Editor:
  • Gene Tsudik
Issue’s Table of Contents
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 27 March 2015
Accepted: 01 October 2014
Revised: 01 July 2014
Received: 01 January 2014
Published in TISSEC Volume 17, Issue 3


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  1. E-cash
  2. lightweight payments
  3. privacy
  4. refunds
  5. transportation systems


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