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10.1145/2671490.2674471acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesmobicomConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Seamark-assisted Inertial Navigation for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles

Published: 12 November 2014 Publication History


Recent technology advancements have enabled autonomous underwater vehicles to play a more significant role in sea exploration. The vehicles' mobility gives them advantages in many applications. It however poses new challenges that are often much less significant for fixed stations. Self localization is one such problem. This paper introduces a new technique that enables underwater vehicles with accumulated navigation error, such as those from inertial measurements, to correct their navigation information. Our method makes use of seamarks which are essentially lightweight beacons which serves as known marks at sea. Seamarks' main functionality is to echo back received signals. The main distinction from other studies is that there is no more than one seamark serving a geographical area. Accompanying algorithms to calibrate velocity and position information are presented and validated with simulations. The advantage of our method is its simplicity in both hardware and software, making it practical to use. With this technique, many applications that require long submersions are made possible.


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WUWNet '14: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems
November 2014
230 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 12 November 2014


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