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Opo: a wearable sensor for capturing high-fidelity face-to-face interactions

Published: 03 November 2014 Publication History


Currently, researchers study face-to-face interactions using wearable sensors and smartphones which provide 2 to 5 m proximity sensing every 20 to 300 s. However, studying interaction distance, which is known to impact disease spread, communication behavior, and other phenomenon, has proven challenging. Smartphones are limited by their inaccurate and/or impractical ranging capabilities, while wearable sensors are limited by their need for infrastructure nodes, bulkiness, and/or inaccurate ranging. To address these challenges, we present Opo, a 14 cm2, 11.4 g "lapel pin" built from commercial components. Opo sensors range neighbors every 2 s up to 2 m away with 5% average error, all while requiring zero infrastructure and improving upon current wearable sensors' accuracy and power usage. The cornerstone of Opo is an ultrasonic wakeup circuit that draws 19 μA when no neighbors are present. This enables Opo sensors to discover and range neighbors without the need for infrastructure nodes and slow or power-hungry RF discovery protocols. Thus, Opo is able to sense interaction distance with high accuracy (5 cm) and temporal fidelity (2 s) on a limited power budget.


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  1. Opo: a wearable sensor for capturing high-fidelity face-to-face interactions



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    Published In

    cover image ACM Conferences
    SenSys '14: Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Embedded Network Sensor Systems
    November 2014
    380 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 03 November 2014

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    1. RF
    2. low-power
    3. ranging
    4. time of flight
    5. ultrasonic


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