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View all- Muschio GZhu JFoster A(2015)Revitalizing Peale's Museum as a digital interactive learning environment2015 Digital Heritage10.1109/DigitalHeritage.2015.7419598(683-686)Online publication date: Sep-2015
Background. Many physics concepts can be abstract and difficult to learn from books or lectures. Experiments are frequently used to overcome such difficulties and provide a sound learning experience. However, some concepts may not be experienced through ...
Despite the success of Learning Analytics (LA), there are two obstacles to its application in educational games, including transparency in assessing educational outcomes in real-time gameplay, and clarity in representing those results to players. ...
Learner modeling is a crucial step in the learning personalization process. It allows taking into consideration the learner's profile to make the learning process more efficient. Most studies refer to an explicit method, namely questionnaire, to model ...
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