Cited By
View all- Tan XSun CSirault XFurbank RPham T(2014)Stereo matching using cost volume watershed and region mergingImage Communication10.1016/j.image.2014.06.00229:10(1232-1244)Online publication date: 1-Nov-2014
The notion of a virtual camera for optimal 3D reconstruction is introduced. Instead of planar perspective images that collect many rays at a fixed viewpoint, omnivergent cameras collect a small number of rays at many different viewpoints. The resulting ...
Abstract--A new approach to computing a panoramic (360 degrees) depth map is presented in this paper. Our approach uses a large collection of images taken by a camera whose motion has been constrained to planar concentric circles. We resample regular ...
To capture the full brightness range of natural scenes, cameras automatically adjust the exposure value which causes the brightness of scene points to change from frame to frame. Given such a video sequence, we introduce a system for tracking features ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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