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View all- Hamdani SFernando A(2015)The Application of a Piezo-Resistive Cardiorespiratory Sensor System in an Automobile Safety BeltSensors10.3390/s15040774215:4(7742-7753)Online publication date: 30-Mar-2015
Driver fatigue and drowsiness is an ever-rising issue that could place a lot of entities at risk. The associated problems are not only dangerous for the driver and the passenger but they pose a negative image on an industry that functions using ...
Road accident becomes a threat to all drivers around the world. According to the study, fatigue or drowsiness is one of the causes to road accident. As the rapid development of the mobile devices and sensor networks, mobile based driver monitoring ...
Traffic crashes cause a lot of fatality and injuries every year. Robust and reliable driver monitoring system is an important step toward achieving higher vehicle autonomy level, as well as insuring the road safety and preventing road accidents. Driver ...
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