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View all- Tong YChen LShe J(2015)Mining Frequent Itemsets in Correlated Uncertain DatabasesJournal of Computer Science and Technology10.1007/s11390-015-1555-930:4(696-712)Online publication date: 8-Jul-2015
Most data mining algorithms are designed for traditional type of data objects which are referred to as certain data objects. Certain data objects contain no uncertainty information and are represented by a single point. Capturing uncertainty can ...
Uncertain data clustering has become central in mining data whose observed representation is naturally affected by imprecision, staling, or randomness that is implicit when storing this data from real-word sources. Most existing methods for uncertain ...
There is an increasing quantity of data with uncertainty arising from applications such as sensor network measurements, record linkage, and as output of mining algorithms. This uncertainty is typically formalized as probability density functions over ...
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