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10.1145/2213977.2214006acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesstocConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Hypercontractivity, sum-of-squares proofs, and their applications

Published: 19 May 2012 Publication History


We study the computational complexity of approximating the 2-to-q norm of linear operators (defined as |A|2->q = maxv≠ 0|Av|q/|v|2) for q > 2, as well as connections between this question and issues arising in quantum information theory and the study of Khot's Unique Games Conjecture (UGC). We show the following: For any constant even integer q ≥ 4, a graph G is a small-set expander if and only if the projector into the span of the top eigenvectors of G's adjacency matrix has bounded 2->q norm. As a corollary, a good approximation to the 2->q norm will refute the Small-Set Expansion Conjecture --- a close variant of the UGC. We also show that such a good approximation can be obtained in exp(n2/q) time, thus obtaining a different proof of the known subexponential algorithm for Small-Set-Expansion. Constant rounds of the "Sum of Squares" semidefinite programing hierarchy certify an upper bound on the 2->4 norm of the projector to low degree polynomials over the Boolean cube, as well certify the unsatisfiability of the "noisy cube" and "short code" based instances of Unique-Games considered by prior works. This improves on the previous upper bound of exp(logO(1) n) rounds (for the "short code"), as well as separates the "Sum of Squares"/"Lasserre" hierarchy from weaker hierarchies that were known to require ω(1) rounds. We show reductions between computing the 2->4 norm and computing the injective tensor norm of a tensor, a problem with connections to quantum information theory. Three corollaries are: (i) the 2->4 norm is NP-hard to approximate to precision inverse-polynomial in the dimension, (ii) the 2->4 norm does not have a good approximation (in the sense above) unless 3-SAT can be solved in time exp(√n poly log(n)), and (iii) known algorithms for the quantum separability problem imply a non-trivial additive approximation for the 2->4 norm.

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    1. hypercontractive
    2. injective tensor norm
    3. semidefinite programming
    4. unique games conjecture


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