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A structured approach for the definition of the semantics of active databases

Published: 01 December 1995 Publication History


Active DBMSs couple database technology with rule-based programming to achieve the capability of reaction to database (and possibly external) stimuli, called events. The reactive capabilities of active databases are useful for a wide spectrum of applications, including security, view materialization, integrity checking and enforcement, or heterogeneous database integration, which makes this technology very promising for the near future. An active database system consists of a (passive) database and a set of active rules; the most popular form of active rule is the so-called event-condition-action (ECA) rule, which specifies an action to be executed upon the occurrence of one or more events, provided that a condition holds. Several active database systems and prototypes have been designed and partially or completely implemented. Unfortunately, they have been designed in a totally independent way, without the support of a common theory dictating the semantics of ECA rules, and thus often show different behaviors for rules with a similar form. In this article we consider a number of different possible options in the behavior of an active DBMS, based on a broad analysis of some of the best known implemented systems and prototypes. We encode these options in a user-readable form, called Extended ECA. A rule from any existing system can be rewritten in this formalism making all the semantic choices apparent. Then an EECA rule can be automatically translated into an internal (less readable) format, based on a logical style, which is called core format: the execution semantics of core rules is specified as the fixpoint of a simple transformation involving core rules. As an important premise to this research, a semantics for database updates and transactions has also been established, with respect to a notion of state that comprises both data and events. The article also presents an extensive bibliography on the subject of active databases.


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Julia E. Hodges

This paper is intended for database specialists, particularly those interested in the application of artificial intelligence technology to database systems. An active database system can react to certain events, such as database operations or events external to the database. The reaction is in the form of the firing of appropriate rules. Fraternali and Tanca begin by demonstrating that it is possible that “rules with a similar form show different behaviors.” They illustrate this with a number of examples from various active database systems. They argue that the root of the problem is that there is no common theory defining the semantics. They then propose a semantic model for active database systems in which the semantics of the rules are clearly and unambiguously defined. Fraternali and Tanca do an excellent job of summarizing the problems as well as characterizing the approaches taken by existing systems. The model that they propose addresses the semantics of an active database system along several dimensions, such as the granularity of the rules (tuple-oriented versus set-oriented) and the rules' coupling modes (the synchronization of the event that triggers a rule, the condition that must be true for the rule to be activated, and the action portion of the rule). They also discuss additional aspects of active database systems that they intend to incorporate into their model in the future. This paper is a must-read for database specialists who have an interest in active database systems.

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cover image ACM Transactions on Database Systems
ACM Transactions on Database Systems  Volume 20, Issue 4
Dec. 1995
152 pages
  • Editor:
  • Won Kim
Issue’s Table of Contents


Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 December 1995
Published in TODS Volume 20, Issue 4


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  1. active database systems
  2. database rule processing
  3. events
  4. fixpoint semantics
  5. rules
  6. semantics


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