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10.1145/2159616.2159637acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication Pagesi3dConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Interactive rendering of acquired materials on dynamic geometry using bandwidth prediction

Published: 09 March 2012 Publication History


Shading complex materials such as acquired reflectances in multi-light environments is computationally expensive. Estimating the shading integral requires multiple samples of the incident illumination. The number of samples required varies across the image, depending on a combination of several factors. Adaptively distributing computational budget across the pixels for shading is a challenging problem. In this paper we depict complex materials such as acquired reflectances, interactively, without any precomputation based on geometry. We first estimate the approximate spatial and angular variation in the local light field arriving at each pixel. This local bandwidth accounts for combinations of a variety of factors: the reflectance of the object projecting to the pixel, the nature of the illumination, the local geometry and the camera position relative to the geometry and lighting. We then exploit this bandwidth information to adaptively sample for reconstruction and integration. For example, fewer pixels per area are shaded for pixels projecting onto diffuse objects, and fewer samples are used for integrating illumination incident on specular objects.

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cover image ACM Conferences
I3D '12: Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games
March 2012
220 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 09 March 2012


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