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How to make ad hoc proof automation less ad hoc

Published: 19 September 2011 Publication History


Most interactive theorem provers provide support for some form of user-customizable proof automation. In a number of popular systems, such as Coq and Isabelle, this automation is achieved primarily through tactics, which are programmed in a separate language from that of the prover's base logic. While tactics are clearly useful in practice, they can be difficult to maintain and compose because, unlike lemmas, their behavior cannot be specified within the expressive type system of the prover itself.
We propose a novel approach to proof automation in Coq that allows the user to specify the behavior of custom automated routines in terms of Coq's own type system. Our approach involves a sophisticated application of Coq's canonical structures, which generalize Haskell type classes and facilitate a flexible style of dependently-typed logic programming. Specifically, just as Haskell type classes are used to infer the canonical implementation of an overloaded term at a given type, canonical structures can be used to infer the canonical proof of an overloaded lemma for a given instantiation of its parameters. We present a series of design patterns for canonical structure programming that enable one to carefully and predictably coax Coq's type inference engine into triggering the execution of user-supplied algorithms during unification, and we illustrate these patterns through several realistic examples drawn from Hoare Type Theory. We assume no prior knowledge of Coq and describe the relevant aspects of Coq type inference from first principles.

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  • (2017)Coinductive Soundness of Corecursive Type Class ResolutionLogic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation10.1007/978-3-319-63139-4_18(311-327)Online publication date: 25-Jul-2017
  • (2016)Extensible and Efficient Automation Through Reflective TacticsProgramming Languages and Systems10.1007/978-3-662-49498-1_21(532-559)Online publication date: 2016
  • (2015)A Type-Theoretic Approach to ResolutionRevised Selected Papers of the 25th International Symposium on Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation - Volume 952710.1007/978-3-319-27436-2_6(91-106)Online publication date: 13-Jul-2015
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Published In

cover image ACM SIGPLAN Notices
ACM SIGPLAN Notices  Volume 46, Issue 9
ICFP '11
September 2011
456 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents
  • cover image ACM Conferences
    ICFP '11: Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGPLAN international conference on Functional programming
    September 2011
    470 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 19 September 2011
Published in SIGPLAN Volume 46, Issue 9

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Author Tags

  1. canonical structures
  2. coq
  3. custom proof automation
  4. hoare type theory
  5. interactive theorem proving
  6. tactics
  7. type classes


  • Research-article


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  • (2016)Extensible and Efficient Automation Through Reflective TacticsProgramming Languages and Systems10.1007/978-3-662-49498-1_21(532-559)Online publication date: 2016
  • (2015)A Type-Theoretic Approach to ResolutionRevised Selected Papers of the 25th International Symposium on Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation - Volume 952710.1007/978-3-319-27436-2_6(91-106)Online publication date: 13-Jul-2015
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