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Latent subject-centered modeling of collaborative tagging: An application in social search

Published: 18 October 2008 Publication History


Collaborative tagging or social bookmarking is a main component of Web 2.0 systems and has been widely recognized as one of the key technologies underpinning next-generation knowledge management platforms. In this article, we propose a subject-centered model of collaborative tagging to account for the ternary cooccurrences involving users, items, and tags in such systems. Extending the well-established probabilistic latent semantic analysis theory for knowledge representation, our model maps the user, item, and tag entities into a common latent subject space that captures the “wisdom of the crowd” resulted from the collaborative tagging process. To put this model into action, we have developed a novel way to estimate the probabilistic subject-centered model approximately in a highly efficient manner taking advantage of a matrix factorization method. Our empirical evaluation shows that our proposed approach delivers substantial performance improvement on the knowledge resource recommendation task over the state-of-the-art standard and tag-aware resource recommendation algorithms.


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  1. Latent subject-centered modeling of collaborative tagging: An application in social search



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      cover image ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems
      ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems  Volume 2, Issue 3
      October 2011
      138 pages
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      Publication History

      Accepted: 01 July 2011
      Received: 01 June 2011
      Published: 18 October 2008
      Published in TMIS Volume 2, Issue 3


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      Author Tags

      1. Collaborative tagging
      2. item recommendation
      3. social search
      4. subject-centered modeling
      5. tag-based recommendation


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      • (2016)Service Ratio-Optimal, Content Coherence-Aware Data Push SystemsACM Transactions on Management Information Systems10.1145/28504236:4(1-23)Online publication date: 13-Jan-2016
      • (2015)Modeling Tag-Aware Recommendations Based on User PreferencesInternational Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making10.1142/S021962201550019414:05(947-970)Online publication date: Sep-2015
      • (2013)A Random Walk Model for Item Recommendation in Social Tagging SystemsACM Transactions on Management Information Systems10.1145/24908604:2(1-24)Online publication date: 1-Aug-2013
      • (2012)Impact of data characteristics on recommender systems performanceACM Transactions on Management Information Systems10.1145/2151163.21511663:1(1-17)Online publication date: 10-Apr-2012

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