Summary of PLOS 2011: the sixth workshop on programming languages and operating systems
Pages 1 - 4
This report summarizes the Sixth Workshop on Programming Languages and Operating Systems (PLOS 2011), which was held in conjunction with the SOSP 2011 conference. It presents the motivation for the PLOS workshop series and describes the contributions of the PLOS 2011 event.
K. Adams and O. Agesen. A comparison of software and hardware techniques for x86 virtualization. In Proc. ASPLOS, pages 2--13, Oct. 2006.
Z. Anderson et al. SharC: Checking data sharing strategies for multithreaded C. In Proc. PLDI, pages 149--158, June 2008.
Y. Chen et al. Surviving sensor network software faults. In Proc. SOSP, pages 235--246, Oct. 2009.
D. Dice et al. Early experience with a commercial hardware transactional memory implementation. In Proc. ASPLOS, pages 157--168, Mar. 2009.
M. Fähndrich et al. Language support for fast and reliable messagebased communication in Singularity OS. In Proc. EuroSys, pages 177--190, Apr. 2006.
D. Frampton et al. Demystifying magic: High-level low-level programming. In Proc. VEE, pages 81--90, Mar. 2009.
C. Frost et al. Generalized file system dependencies. In Proc. SOSP, pages 307--320, Oct. 2007.
D. Gay et al. The nesC language: A holistic approach to networked embedded systems. In Proc. PLDI, pages 1--11, June 2003.
G. Klein et al. seL4: Formal verification of an OS kernel. In Proc. SOSP, pages 207--220, Oct. 2009.
P. Levis et al. T2: A second generation OS for embedded sensor networks. Technical Report TKN-05-007, Telecommunication Networks Group, Technische Universität Berlin, Nov. 2005.
D. Lohmann et al. Aspect-aware operating system development. In Proc. AOSD, pages 69--80, Mar. 2011.
N. McKeown et al. OpenFlow: Enabling innovation in campus networks. SIGCOMM CCR, 38(2):69--74, Mar. 2008.
F. Mérillon et al. Devil: An IDL for hardware programming. In Proc. OSDI, pages 17--30, Oct. 2000.
N. Palix et al. Faults in Linux: Ten years later. In Proc. ASPLOS, pages 305--318, Mar. 2011.
L. Ryzhyk et al. Automatic device driver synthesis with Termite. In Proc. SOSP, pages 73--86, Oct. 2009.
J. Shapiro. Programming language challenges in systems codes: Why systems programmers still use C, and what to do about it. In Proc. PLOS, Oct. 2006.
J. Yang and C. Hawblitzel. Safe to the last instruction: Automated verification of a type-safe operating system. In Proc. PLDI, pages 99--110, June 2010.
F. Zhou et al. SafeDrive: Safe and recoverable extensions using language-based techniques. In Proc. OSDI, pages 45--60, Nov. 2006.
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- Summary of PLOS 2011: the sixth workshop on programming languages and operating systems
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Association for Computing Machinery
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Published: 11 January 2012
Published in SIGOPS Volume 45, Issue 3
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