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The stochastic root-finding problem: Overview, solutions, and open questions

Published: 04 February 2011 Publication History


The stochastic root-finding problem (SRFP) is that of finding the zero(s) of a vector function, that is, solving a nonlinear system of equations when the function is expressed implicitly through a stochastic simulation. SRFPs are equivalently expressed as stochastic fixed-point problems, where the underlying function is expressed implicitly via a noisy simulation. After motivating SRFPs using a few examples, we review available methods to solve such problems on constrained Euclidean spaces. We present the current literature as three broad categories, and detail the basic theoretical results that are currently known in each of the categories. With a view towards helping the practitioner, we discuss specific variations in their implementable form, and provide references to computer code when easily available. Finally, we list a few questions that are worthwhile research pursuits from the standpoint of advancing our knowledge of the theoretical underpinnings and the implementation aspects of solutions to SRFPs.

Supplementary Material

Pasupathy Appendix (a19-pasupathy-apndx.pdf)
Online appendix to the stochastic root-finding problem overview, solutions, and open questions on article 19.


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Grigore Albeanu

Both application- and theory-oriented scientists are familiar with the root-finding problem. The scientific literature is not only rich in original proposals and tutorials, but also in excellent books-Pasupathy and Kim mention some of them. This valuable overview of the stochastic root-finding problem consists of six sections and an electronic appendix ( After a short introduction (Section 1), Section 2 offers some examples that motivate the request for efficient root-finding procedures in a stochastic framework, including stochastic optimization problem solving. Section 3 presents notations and terminology. In Section 4, the authors formulate the stochastic root-finding problem. Section 5 describes methods for solving the problem, giving only stochastic approximation and sample-path methods in detail, including basic convergence theorems, results on convergence rates and sample size, algorithms, implementation details, and comments on their performance. The online appendix describes a third type: parametric/semi-parametric methods. Contributions from many researchers, as well as recent developments by Pasupathy, represent the core of this section. Finally, in Section 6, readers will discover some ideas for future research. (The electronic appendix also includes in-depth discussions on research.) Readers who are unfamiliar with the stochastic root-finding problem should pay attention to some abbreviations (SPSA and SOP) that the paper uses without explanation, an error in relation (7), and the use of the SP abbreviation in two different contexts (in Sections 5.1 and 5.2). The references are adequate-many of them are on recent developments that can increase the performance of the existing algorithms. Unfortunately, the paper neglects to cite ten references and the introduction does not clearly state the structure of the online appendix. This paper is a valuable resource for online readers. It will be especially useful to PhD students and various researchers in modeling and computer simulation. Online Computing Reviews Service

Alexander Kreinin

This paper describes the general stochastic approximation problem: find the solutions of the nonlinear equations g ( x )=0, x ? D , where the function g ( x ) is computed with some random error. In this case, instead of computing g ( x ), one actually finds G n ( x ) = g ( x ) + xi n , where ? m forms a sequence of independent random vectors having a joint normal distribution. We can describe the simplest iterations by the equation X n +1 = X n a n G ( X n ), where the sequence a n satisfies certain conditions providing convergence of the sequence X n to the solution x *. The modern approach to this problem is based on the theory of martingales. Theorems 5.1 through 5.3 discuss the latest results on convergence, including the convergence rate of the iteration process. The next section discusses the sample path method. The idea of this method is to use an approximate problem with the function G ( x ) approximating g ( x ). The approximating function is usually an estimator of g ( x ). Theorems 5.5 through 5.7 discuss corresponding convergence results. This section also addresses implementation and performance issues. I recommend this paper to specialists who are interested in the application of stochastic optimization methods. Online Computing Reviews Service

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cover image ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation  Volume 21, Issue 3
March 2011
141 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 04 February 2011
Accepted: 01 September 2010
Revised: 01 August 2010
Received: 01 September 2009
Published in TOMACS Volume 21, Issue 3


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  1. Stochastic root finding
  2. sample-average approximation
  3. stochastic approximation


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