Cited By
View all- Hale MGamble MGamble R(2013)A Design and Verification Framework for Service Composition in the CloudProceedings of the 2013 IEEE Ninth World Congress on Services10.1109/SERVICES.2013.46(317-324)Online publication date: 28-Jun-2013
Cloud computing is an emerging paradigm that allows users to conveniently access computing resources as pay-per-use services. Whereas cloud offerings such as Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud and Google Apps are rapidly gaining a large user base, ...
Cloud computing popularity is growing rapidly and consequently the number of companies offering their services in the form of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) or Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) is increasing. The diversity and usage benefits of the IaaS ...
With the fast advancements in cloud computing and software- as-a-service (SaaS), testing and evaluation of cloud-based software and SaaS applications became an important task for engineers. Since most existing tools are not developed to support cloud-...
Association for Computing Machinery
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