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Bounded ignorance: a technique for increasing concurrency in a replicated system

Published: 01 December 1994 Publication History


Databases are replicated to improve performance and availability. The notion of correctness that has commonly been adopted for concurrent access by transactions to shared, possibly replicated, data is serializability. However, serializability may be impractical in high-performance applications since it imposes too stringent a restriction on concurrency. When serializability is relaxed, the integrity constraints describing the data may be violated. By allowing bounded violations of the integrity constraints, however, we are able to increase the concurrency of transactions that execute in a replicated environment. In this article, we introduce the notion of an N-ignorant transaction, which is a transaction that may be ignorant of the results of at most N prior transactions, which is a transaction that may be ignorant of the results of at most N prior transactions. A system in which all transactions are N-ignorant can have an N + 1-fold increase in concurrency over serializable systems, at the expense of bounded violations of its integrity constraints. We present algorithms for implementing replicated databases in N-ignorant systems. We then provide constructive methods for calculating the reachable states in such systems, given the value of N, so that one may assess the maximum liability that is incurred in allowing constraint violation. Finally, we generalize the notion of N-ignorance to a matrix of ignorance for the purpose of higher concurrency.


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Asuman Dogac

The authors present a method to increase concurrency in a replicated database system. For this purpose, the notion of N -ignorance is introduced. An N -ignorant transaction does not need to see the results of at most N prior transactions that it would have seen if serializability had been enforced as the correctness criterion. By relaxing the correctness criterion and allowing bounded violations of the integrity constraints, concurrency can be increased N+1 -fold compared to a serializable system. In an N -ignorant system, each transaction enforces a set of integrity constraints on its view of the database, but only the weakened constraint set needs to be enforced globally. This allows a transaction executing at a replica site to be unaware of N concurrently executing transactions at other sites. Thus, by relaxing the integrity constraint, N+1 transactions can run concurrently in the system, as against just one in the serializable case. Violations of the integrity constraints are formalized as a function of the number of conflicting transactions that can execute concurrently. To increase the autonomy of sites in executing transactions, the work aims at reducing the number of sites that a site has to communicate with after a transaction is submitted. The algorithms to guarantee that a transaction is no more than N -ignorant, and hence the relaxed constraints always hold, are presented in section 4. In these algorithms, quorum locking controls the number of transactions that can simultaneously access replicas of the same data object. Gossip messages are used to limit the extent to which a site may be ignorant of the effects of prior transactions executed at nonquorum sites. An extension to the algorithms is given to allow transactions that access disjoint data sets to run concurrently. The authors argue that, to verify that a given N -ignorant system is correct according to their relaxed definition of correctness, it is necessary to determine its reachable states and demonstrate that they do not violate the relaxed constraints. A systematic analysis of reachable states of the system is provided in section 5. The technique is useful in systems where transactions make incremental changes to the database state. How the system behaves in the case of failures or deadlock is not clear, however. Also, a performance comparison of an N -ignorant system with other systems would have been useful to give an idea of how well the technique proposed performs in real life.

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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 December 1994
Published in TODS Volume 19, Issue 4


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  1. concurrency control
  2. integrity constraints
  3. reachability analysis
  4. replication
  5. serializability


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