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Discrete viscous threads

Published: 26 July 2010 Publication History


We present a continuum-based discrete model for thin threads of viscous fluid by drawing upon the Rayleigh analogy to elastic rods, demonstrating canonical coiling, folding, and breakup in dynamic simulations. Our derivation emphasizes space-time symmetry, which sheds light on the role of time-parallel transport in eliminating---without approximation---all but an O(n) band of entries of the physical system's energy Hessian. The result is a fast, unified, implicit treatment of viscous threads and elastic rods that closely reproduces a variety of fascinating physical phenomena, including hysteretic transitions between coiling regimes, competition between surface tension and gravity, and the first numerical fluid-mechanical sewing machine. The novel implicit treatment also yields an order of magnitude speedup in our elastic rod dynamics.

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    cover image ACM Transactions on Graphics
    ACM Transactions on Graphics  Volume 29, Issue 4
    July 2010
    942 pages
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    Published: 26 July 2010
    Published in TOG Volume 29, Issue 4


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    1. Rayleigh analogy
    2. coiling
    3. elastic rods
    4. hair simulation
    5. viscous threads


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