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10.1145/1878537.1878669acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesspringsimConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Integrating Parallel DEVS and equation-based object-oriented modeling

Published: 11 April 2010 Publication History


The benefits of integrating the Parallel DEVS (P-DEVS) formalism with the Equation-Based Object-Oriented modeling languages (EOOL), which constitute the state-of-the-art for continuous-time system modeling, are discussed. The characteristics of the Equation-Based Object-Oriented (EOO) methodology are presented. The requirements to describe P-DEVS models using an EOOL are evaluated. These requirements are detailed for the case of the P-DEVS formalism and the Modelica language, with the introduction of the DEVS-Lib Modelica library. DEVSLib facilitates the description of P-DEVS models in Modelica, and allows the combination of DEVS models together with other Modelica libraries in order to construct multi-formalism hybrid models. DEVSLib has been developed by the authors and is freely available at


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Cited By

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  • (2015)Electromagnetic transient simulation of induction machine based on QSS algorithm2015 IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC)10.1109/APPEEC.2015.7380954(1-5)Online publication date: Nov-2015
  • (2012)Modeling of hybrid control systems using the DEVSLib Modelica libraryControl Engineering Practice10.1016/j.conengprac.2010.11.01420:1(24-34)Online publication date: Jan-2012



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cover image ACM Other conferences
SpringSim '10: Proceedings of the 2010 Spring Simulation Multiconference
April 2010
1726 pages


  • SCS: Society for Modeling and Simulation International



Society for Computer Simulation International

San Diego, CA, United States

Publication History

Published: 11 April 2010


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  1. Modelica
  2. equation-based language
  3. hybrid systems
  4. object-oriented modeling
  5. parallel DEVS


  • Research-article


SpringSim '10
  • SCS
SpringSim '10: 2010 Spring Simulation Conference
April 11 - 15, 2010
Florida, Orlando


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  • (2015)Electromagnetic transient simulation of induction machine based on QSS algorithm2015 IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC)10.1109/APPEEC.2015.7380954(1-5)Online publication date: Nov-2015
  • (2012)Modeling of hybrid control systems using the DEVSLib Modelica libraryControl Engineering Practice10.1016/j.conengprac.2010.11.01420:1(24-34)Online publication date: Jan-2012

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