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10.1145/1866898.1866906acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesccsConference Proceedingsconference-collections

A declarative approach for secure and robust routing

Published: 04 October 2010 Publication History


Many Internet failures are caused by misconfigurations of the BGP routers that manage routing of traffic between domains. The problems are usually due to a combination of human errors and the lack of a high-level language for specifying routing policies that can be used to generate router configurations. We describe an implemented approach that uses a declarative language for specifying network-wide routing policies to automatically configure routers and show how it can also be used by software agents to diagnose and correct some networking problems. The language is grounded in an ontology defined in OWL and polices expressed in it are automatically compiled into low-level router configurations. A distributed collection of software agents use the high-level policies and a custom argumentation protocol to share and reason over information about routing failures, diagnose probable causes, and correct them by reconfiguring routers and/or recommending actions to human operators. We have evaluated the framework in both a simulator and on a small physical network. Our results show that the framework performs well in identifying failure causes and automatically correcting them by reconfiguring routers when permitted by the policies.


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  • (2017)Validation and Verification of Smart Contracts: A Research AgendaComputer10.1109/MC.2017.357104550:9(50-57)Online publication date: 22-Sep-2017
  • (2010)Enforcing secure and robust routing with declarative policies2010 - MILCOM 2010 MILITARY COMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE10.1109/MILCOM.2010.5680362(44-49)Online publication date: Oct-2010

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  1. A declarative approach for secure and robust routing



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    cover image ACM Conferences
    SafeConfig '10: Proceedings of the 3rd ACM workshop on Assurable and usable security configuration
    October 2010
    98 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 04 October 2010


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    1. argumentation
    2. bgp configuration
    3. policy


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    • (2017)Validation and Verification of Smart Contracts: A Research AgendaComputer10.1109/MC.2017.357104550:9(50-57)Online publication date: 22-Sep-2017
    • (2010)Enforcing secure and robust routing with declarative policies2010 - MILCOM 2010 MILITARY COMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE10.1109/MILCOM.2010.5680362(44-49)Online publication date: Oct-2010

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