Cited By
View all- Hawrysz L(2020)Strategic Orientation and Effects of E-Administration: Findings from the Miles and Snow FrameworkAdministrative Sciences10.3390/admsci1002003510:2(35)Online publication date: 17-Jun-2020
The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to enhance sustainable development needs no introduction. E-governance can make governance more efficient and more effective by improving governmental processes (e-administration), connecting ...
The argument that I offer in this paper, supported by literature and empirical evidence, is that e-government is just that -- electronic government -- and little more. I define e-government as the delivery by alternate, electronic means of governmental ...
The spinning of time the wheel has seen a lot; but the best gift of mankind to mankind is the discovery of Information and Communication Technologies, the tool that gave birth to the big bang theory of electronic-Governance in the universe of countries ...
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