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10.1145/1554339.1554349acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagespldiConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Measuring channel capacity to distinguish undue influence

Published: 15 June 2009 Publication History


The channel capacity of a program is a quantitative measure of the amount of control that the inputs to a program have over its outputs. Because it corresponds to worst-case assumptions about the probability distribution over those inputs, it is particularly appropriate for security applications where the inputs are under the control of an adversary. We introduce a family of complementary techniques for measuring channel capacity automatically using a decision procedure (SAT or #SAT solver), which give either exact or narrow probabilistic bounds.
We then apply these techniques to the problem of analyzing false positives produced by dynamic taint analysis used to detect control-flow hijacking in commodity software. Dynamic taint analysis is based on the principle that an attacker should not be able to control values such as function pointers and return addresses, but it uses a simple binary approximation of control that commonly leads to both false positive and false negative errors. Based on channel capacity, we propose a more refined quantitative measure of influence, which can effectively distinguish between true attacks and false positives. We use a practical implementation of our influence measuring techniques, integrated with a dynamic taint analysis operating on x86 binaries, to classify tainting warnings produced by vulnerable network servers, such as those attacked by the Blaster and SQL Slammer worms. Influence measurement correctly distinguishes real attacks from tainting false positives, a task that would otherwise need to be done manually.


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Bruce E. Litow

A taint analysis method for small program sections, based not on the size of the set of inputs to an output variable (numeric) but on the size of the set of possible output values of that variable, is introduced in this paper. More precisely, for a numeric variable V , the authors define its influence measure to be log2 Card( F ), where F is the set of values that can actually be obtained from any input. Newsome, McCamant, and Song regard the influence measure as a very simple channel capacity with the program section in the role of a channel. The main idea is to use the influence measure as a subtler indicator of tainting than the binary "taint/no-taint" approach that is widely used, which depends on input influence analysis. The paper's main claim is that influence measure significantly reduces both false positive and negative outcomes, relative to input taint methods. Obstacles to the application of the influence measure are carefully considered in the paper. A program section is converted (manually, it appears) to Boolean. Generally, this is possible if the section's behavior can be modeled in terms of a Turing machine running in a fixed time bound as a function of input length. The authors describe their technique, but do not state whether semi-automation has been attempted. If the behavior involves branching execution paths or quantifiers, then this simple conversion will not work. Given the Boolean for the section, a heuristic for estimating Card( F ) using a binary search-driven range analysis is described, but the more important idea of the paper is the application of #SAT solvers to compute Card( F ) as the number of satisfying truth assignments of the Boolean. Although there has been much work on #SAT solvers, since #SAT is P-complete, this approach seems to limit the section size. Much of the paper is given to experiments on program sections in terms of computation time to obtain log2 Card( F ) (so Card( F ) can vary over a range 2 k to 2 k +1 with only one bit variation in the influence measure) and resistance of the influence measure to false negatives and positives. There is much scope for further study of this approach to defending critical code. Online Computing Reviews Service

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cover image ACM Conferences
PLAS '09: Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Fourth Workshop on Programming Languages and Analysis for Security
June 2009
130 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 15 June 2009


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Author Tags

  1. channel capacity
  2. model counting
  3. quantitative information flow


  • Research-article

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PLDI '09

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PLAS '09 Paper Acceptance Rate 8 of 19 submissions, 42%;
Overall Acceptance Rate 43 of 77 submissions, 56%


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