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10.1145/1457515.1409113acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication Pagessiggraph-asiaConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Interactive example-based urban layout synthesis

Published: 01 December 2008 Publication History


We present an interactive system for synthesizing urban layouts by example. Our method simultaneously performs both a structure-based synthesis and an image-based synthesis to generate a complete urban layout with a plausible street network and with aerial-view imagery. Our approach uses the structure and image data of real-world urban areas and a synthesis algorithm to provide several high-level operations to easily and interactively generate complex layouts by example. The user can create new urban layouts by a sequence of operations such as join, expand, and blend without being concerned about low-level structural details. Further, the ability to blend example urban layout fragments provides a powerful way to generate new synthetic content. We demonstrate our system by creating urban layouts using example fragments from several real-world cities, each ranging from hundreds to thousands of city blocks and parcels.

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Published In

cover image ACM Conferences
SIGGRAPH Asia '08: ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2008 papers
December 2008
581 pages
  • Editor:
  • John C. Hart
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 December 2008


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  1. content-aware image editing
  2. example-based
  3. procedural modeling
  4. texture and image synthesis


  • Research-article



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SIGGRAPH Asia '08 Paper Acceptance Rate 59 of 320 submissions, 18%;
Overall Acceptance Rate 178 of 869 submissions, 20%


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