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10.1145/1137677.1137682acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesicseConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Goal-oriented specification of adaptation requirements engineering in adaptive systems

Published: 21 May 2006 Publication History


Adaptive software is being used increasingly frequently by various users, such as the medical community, software industry, and in response to terror attacks. Therefore, understanding the requirements of an adaptive system is crucial to developing them correctly. Developers need to be able to reason about the requirements of a system's adaptive behavior. Adaptation semantics are intended to describe how systems behave during adaptation. Previously, Zhang and Cheng formally specified three commonly occurring adaptation semantics in terms of Adapt operator-extended LTL (A-LTL). This paper presents goal-oriented specifications of these three adaptation semantics. These specifications, specified with the KAOS methodology, provide a graphical wrapper to the formal A-LTL specifications of the semantics. The combination of the goal-oriented, graphical KAOS specifications and A-LTL specifications provides the benefits of formal specifications as well as the benefits of an easier to understand, graphical, and more intuitive presentation of adaptive systems requirements. This work also provides a means to incorporate the adaptation semantics into the goal-oriented requirements specifications of an adaptive system.


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  1. Goal-oriented specification of adaptation requirements engineering in adaptive systems



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    cover image ACM Conferences
    SEAMS '06: Proceedings of the 2006 international workshop on Self-adaptation and self-managing systems
    May 2006
    102 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 21 May 2006


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    Author Tags

    1. autonomic computing
    2. dynamic adaptation
    3. formal specification
    4. goal-driven requirements engineering


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