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Unsupervised models for morpheme segmentation and morphology learning

Published: 02 February 2007 Publication History


We present a model family called Morfessor for the unsupervised induction of a simple morphology from raw text data. The model is formulated in a probabilistic maximum a posteriori framework. Morfessor can handle highly inflecting and compounding languages where words can consist of lengthy sequences of morphemes. A lexicon of word segments, called morphs, is induced from the data. The lexicon stores information about both the usage and form of the morphs. Several instances of the model are evaluated quantitatively in a morpheme segmentation task on different sized sets of Finnish as well as English data. Morfessor is shown to perform very well compared to a widely known benchmark algorithm, in particular on Finnish data.


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ACM Transactions on Speech and Language Processing   Volume 4, Issue 1
January 2007
68 pages
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Published: 02 February 2007
Published in TSLP Volume 4, Issue 1


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  1. Efficient storage
  2. highly inflecting and compounding languages
  3. language independent methods
  4. maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimation
  5. morpheme lexicon and segmentation
  6. unsupervised learning


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