Implementing functional databases
Index Terms
- Implementing functional databases
Functional querying in graph databases
The paper is focused on a functional querying in graph databases. We consider labelled property graph model and mention also the graph model behind XML databases. An attention is devoted to functional modelling of graph databases both at a conceptual ...
A practical functional programming system for databases
FPCA '81: Proceedings of the 1981 conference on Functional programming languages and computer architectureFunctional programming systems, although they have nice theoretical properties and elegant implementations, have failed to make any significant impact in the practical world of applications programming. We shall describe a simple FP system for databases ...
Horn clauses and functional dependencies in complex-value databases
ADC '06: Proceedings of the 17th Australasian Database Conference - Volume 49We extend Fagin's result on the equivalence between functional dependencies in relational databases and propositional Horn clauses. It is shown that this equivalence still holds for functional dependencies in databases that support complex values via ...
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Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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