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10.1145/1050491.1050516acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication Pagesweb3dConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Towards virtualization of user interfaces based on UsiXML

Published: 29 March 2005 Publication History


A model-based approach is presented for structuring a development process of virtual user interfaces based on UsiXML, a XML-compliant User Interface Description Language. UsiXML provides a Concrete User Interface description that remains independent from any toolkit, whether graphical or virtual. To support the rendering of this description in a virtual world, two toolkits have been developed: for VRML97 and X3D. The user interface description can be edited within an appropriate graphical editor, in 2D for instance, and leads to 2D or 3D rendering or an automated generation of a 2D graphical user interface in Java or a 3D virtual user interface in VRML97 or X3D, for both presentation and behavior parts. When any element involved in the Concrete User Interface changes, the corresponding virtual user interface changes accordingly, thus reducing development time and complexity. In this way, a virtual user interface can be produced with the advantage of raising the level of abstraction with respect to any language. This paper focuses on the 3D user interfaces.


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cover image ACM Conferences
Web3D '05: Proceedings of the tenth international conference on 3D Web technology
March 2005
191 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 29 March 2005


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Author Tags

  1. User Interface Description Language
  2. UsiXML
  3. XML
  4. abstract user interface
  5. concrete user interface
  6. domain model
  7. graphical user interface
  8. task model
  9. user interface
  10. virtual user interface
  11. virtualization


  • Article


Web3D05: 10th International Conference on 3D Web Technology 2005
March 29 - April 1, 2005
Bangor, United Kingdom

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Overall Acceptance Rate 27 of 71 submissions, 38%


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