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Issue 16, 2014

A sheath-less combined optical and impedance micro-cytometer


We describe a sheath-less micro-cytometer that measures four different parameters, namely fluorescence, large angle side scatter and dual frequency electrical impedance (electrical volume and opacity). The cytometer was benchmarked using both size and fluorescent bead standards and demonstrates excellent size accuracy (CVs ≤ 2.1%), sensitivity and dynamic range (3.5 orders of magnitude) at sample flow rates of 80 μL per minute. The cytometer was evaluated by analysing human blood, and a four part differential leukocyte assay for accurate CD4+ T-cell enumeration was demonstrated. The integration of impedance, fluorescence and side scatter into a single miniature cytometer platform provides the core information content of a classical cytometer in a highly compact, simple, portable and low cost format.

Graphical abstract: A sheath-less combined optical and impedance micro-cytometer

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
20 Feb 2014
05 Jun 2014
First published
05 Jun 2014

Lab Chip, 2014,14, 3064-3073

Author version available

A sheath-less combined optical and impedance micro-cytometer

D. Spencer, G. Elliott and H. Morgan, Lab Chip, 2014, 14, 3064 DOI: 10.1039/C4LC00224E

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