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Issue 18, 2012

Time-dependent quantum dynamical simulations of C2 condensation under extreme conditions


We report theoretical studies of the initial phase of bulk C2 condensation into carbon nano-structures by means of Born–Oppenheimer and time-dependent quantum mechanical Liouville–von Neumann molecular dynamics based on the density-functional tight-binding (DFTB) framework for electrons. We observe that the time-dependent quantum mechanical approach leads to faster formation of carbon nanostructures than analogous Born–Oppenheimer simulations. Our results suggest that the condensation of bulk carbon is nonadiabatic in nature, with the critical role of electronic stopping as in ion-irradiation of materials. Contrary to time-dependent quantum mechanical simulations, Born–Oppenheimer dynamics incorrectly predict that the short carbon chains obtained from initial reactive collisions between C2 quickly evaporate, leading to much lower probability of secondary collisions and condensation. We also discuss some deficiencies in Born–Oppenheimer dynamics that lead to unphysical charge polarization and electron transfer.

Graphical abstract: Time-dependent quantum dynamical simulations of C2 condensation under extreme conditions

Article information

Article type
22 Jun 2011
08 Nov 2011
First published
07 Dec 2011

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2012,14, 6273-6279

Time-dependent quantum dynamical simulations of C2 condensation under extreme conditions

J. Jakowski, S. Irle and K. Morokuma, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2012, 14, 6273 DOI: 10.1039/C1CP22035G

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