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Cytosystems dynamics in self-organization of tissue architecture


Our knowledge of the principles by which organ architecture develops through complex collective cell behaviours is still limited. Recent work has shown that the shape of such complex tissues as the optic cup forms by self-organization in vitro from a homogeneous population of stem cells. Multicellular self-organization involves three basic processes that are crucial for the emergence of latent intrinsic order. Based on lessons from recent studies, cytosystems dynamics is proposed as a strategy for understanding collective multicellular behaviours, incorporating four-dimensional measurement, theoretical modelling and experimental reconstitution.

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Figure 1: Three basic mechanisms of tissue self-organization.
Figure 2: Examples of tissue self-organization in three-dimensional cell culture.
Figure 3: Bistable signal interactions in regional patterning of the optic cup.
Figure 4: Crucial controlling steps in self-driven optic-cup morphogenesis.
Figure 5: Cytosystems dynamics for multicellular emergence biology.

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I would like to thank my collaborators, especially M. Eiraku, N. Takata, K. Muguruma and T. Adachi, for stimulating strategic discussion on multicellular self-organization.

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Sasai, Y. Cytosystems dynamics in self-organization of tissue architecture. Nature 493, 318–326 (2013).

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