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Verifiable Relation Sharing and Multi-verifier Zero-Knowledge in Two Rounds: Trading NIZKs with Honest Majority

(Extended Abstract)

  • Conference paper
  • First Online:
Advances in Cryptology – CRYPTO 2022 (CRYPTO 2022)


We introduce the problem of Verifiable Relation Sharing (VRS) where a client (prover) wishes to share a vector of secret data items among k servers (the verifiers) while proving in zero-knowledge that the shared data satisfies some properties. This combined task of sharing and proving generalizes notions like verifiable secret sharing and zero-knowledge proofs over secret-shared data. We study VRS from a theoretical perspective and focus on its round complexity.

As our main contribution, we show that every efficiently-computable relation can be realized by a VRS with an optimal round complexity of two rounds where the first round is input-independent (offline round). The protocol achieves full UC-security against an active adversary that is allowed to corrupt any t-subset of the parties that may include the client together with some of the verifiers. For a small (logarithmic) number of parties, we achieve an optimal resiliency threshold of \(t<0.5(k+1)\), and for a large (polynomial) number of parties, we achieve an almost-optimal resiliency threshold of \(t<0.5(k+1)(1-\epsilon )\) for an arbitrarily small constant \(\epsilon >0\). Both protocols can be based on sub-exponentially hard injective one-way functions. If the parties have an access to a collision resistance hash function, we can derive statistical everlasting security, i.e., the protocols are secure against adversaries that are computationally bounded during the protocol execution and become computationally unbounded after the protocol execution.

Previous 2-round solutions achieve smaller resiliency thresholds and weaker security notions regardless of the underlying assumptions. As a special case, our protocols give rise to 2-round offline/online constructions of multi-verifier zero-knowledge proofs (MVZK). Such constructions were previously obtained under the same type of assumptions that are needed for NIZK, i.e., public-key assumptions or random-oracle type assumptions (Abe et al., Asiacrypt 2002; Groth and Ostrovsky, Crypto 2007; Boneh et al., Crypto 2019; Yang, and Wang, Eprint 2022). Our work shows, for the first time, that in the presence of an honest majority these assumptions can be replaced with more conservative “Minicrypt”-type assumptions like injective one-way functions and collision-resistance hash functions. Indeed, our MVZK protocols provide a round-efficient substitute for NIZK in settings where honest-majority is present. Additional applications are also presented.

A full version of this paper appears in [6].

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  1. 1.

    Without an honest majority, a 2-round plain-model MVZK protocol (where in each round both the verifiers and prover can talk simultaneously) implies a 2-step ZK protocol (where the verifier sends a message and gets a response from the prover) which is ruled-out by [36] for non-trivial languages outside \(\text {BPP}\).

  2. 2.

    For technical reasons, the NICOM should satisfy some level of security against selective opening that, by “complexity leveraging”, follows from the assumption that the underlying one-way function (or injective one-way function) cannot be inverted in polynomial-time with more than sub-exponential probability. This seems to be a relatively mild assumption; See Remark 2.

  3. 3.

    The difference between rushing and non-rushing adversary boils down to the scheduling of the messages within a single round of a protocol. A non-rushing adversary must send the messages of the corrupt parties in a given round before receiving the messages of the honest parties in that round, whereas a rushing adversary may delay sending the messages of the corrupt parties until receiving the messages from the honest parties. Thus, the messages of the corrupt parties may depend on the messages of the honest parties in the same round. Our notion of semi-rushing adversary allows the adversary to see all the messages of the honest parties, except for one. For more about this model and its relevance, see the full version [6].

  4. 4.

    Technically, in the UC-framework we allow the environment to output its view and require statistical indistinguishability between the real and ideal experiments.

  5. 5.

    A semi-malicious adversary is allowed to choose its input and randomness but otherwise follows the protocol. Many passively secure protocols (e.g., [12]) actually offer semi-malicious security.

  6. 6.

    Even without homomorphism, computational VSS requires 2 rounds [7] when \(n < 3t\). Moreover, even for such a large resiliency threshold, linear homomorphism is non-trivial to achieve. Specifically, for 2-round VSS, it is unknown how to achieve linear homomorphism without relying on strong primitives such as homomorphic NICOMs. The latter are typically constructed based on “structured” (public-key type) assumptions and are not known to follow from standard NICOMs.

  7. 7.

    In principle, \(n'\) should be taken to be \(\varOmega (1/\epsilon ^2)\). Thus, in order to keep \(n'\) small (e.g., logarithmic in the security parameter), one has to assume that \(\epsilon \) is not too small, e.g., at least \(\varOmega (1/\sqrt{\log \kappa })\). We limit the discussion to a constant \(\epsilon \) only for the sake of simplicity.

  8. 8.

    The circuit that realizes \(\mathcal {G}_{\textsf{zk}}\) depends on the code of the NICOM, consequently, our final construction makes a non-black-box use of the NICOM.

  9. 9.

    We, in fact, consider a weak variant of this sharing in which for a pair of corrupted parties, \((P_i,P_j)\), the share \(f_i(j)\) may be inconsistent with the commitment \(C _{ij}\). Still, it can be shown that \(P_i\) and \(P_j\) cannot lie about their main shares and so this scheme still allows robust reconstruction. For details, refer to the full version of this paper [6].


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B. Applebaum and E. Kachlon are supported by the Israel Science Foundation grant no. 2805/21. A. Patra is supported by DST National Mission on Interdisciplinary Cyber-Physical Systems (NM-CPS) 2020–2025 and SERB MATRICS (Theoretical Sciences) Grant 2020–2023.

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Applebaum, B., Kachlon, E., Patra, A. (2022). Verifiable Relation Sharing and Multi-verifier Zero-Knowledge in Two Rounds: Trading NIZKs with Honest Majority. In: Dodis, Y., Shrimpton, T. (eds) Advances in Cryptology – CRYPTO 2022. CRYPTO 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13510. Springer, Cham.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, Cham

  • Print ISBN: 978-3-031-15984-8

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