Robust Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Algorithm Based on Normal Shrink and Membership Filtering for Image Segmentation


  • Nilamani Bhoi



Image Segmentation, FCM, normal shrink denoising algorithm, membership filtering


The robustness and effectiveness of image segmentation using the FCM algorithm can be improved by incorporating local spatial information into the FCM method, which is particularly noise-tolerant. However the introduction of local spatial information gives more computational complexity. Hence to overcome this problem an improved FCM clustering method is proposed which is based on a normal shrink algorithm with membership filtering. The Proposed method gives a faster and more robust result in comparison to FCM. Firstly, a normal shrink denoising algorithm is introduced to preserve the image details and noise immunity. Secondly, membership filtering is introduced, which depends only on the local spatial neighboring properties of the matrix called the membership partition matrix. The Proposed method is faster and simpler as it does not calculate the distance between pixels and cluster centers and between local spatial neighboring. Also, it is very efficient for noise immunity.


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