RRL: Recommendation Reverse Learning


  • Xiaoyu You Fudan University
  • Jianwei Xu Fudan University
  • Mi Zhang Fudan University
  • Zechen Gao Fudan University
  • Min Yang Fudan University




DMKM: Conversational Systems for Recommendation & Retrieval, PEAI: Privacy & Security


As societies become increasingly aware of data privacy, regulations require that private information about users must be removed from both database and ML models, which is more colloquially called `the right to be forgotten`. Such privacy problems of recommendation systems, which hold large amounts of private data, are drawing increasing attention. Recent research suggests dividing the preference data into multiple shards and training submodels with these shards and forgetting users' personal preference data by retraining the submodels of marked shards. Despite the computational efficiency development compared with retraining from scratch, the overall recommendation performance deteriorates after dividing the shards because the collaborative information contained in the training data is broken. In this paper, we aim to propose a forgetting framework for recommendation models that neither separate the training data nor jeopardizes the recommendation performance, named Recommendation Reverse Learning (RRL). Given the trained recommendation model and marked preference data, we devise Reverse BPR Objective (RBPR Objective) to fine-tune the recommendation model to force it to forget the marked data. Nevertheless, as the recommendation model encode the complex collaborative information among users, we propose to utilize Fisher Information Matrix (FIM) to estimate the influence of reverse learning on other users' collaborative information and guide the updates of representations. We conduct experiments on two representative recommendation models and three public benchmark datasets to verify the efficiency of RRL. To verify the forgetting completeness, we use RRL to make the recommendation model poisoned by shilling attacks forget malicious users.




How to Cite

You, X., Xu, J., Zhang, M., Gao, Z., & Yang, M. (2024). RRL: Recommendation Reverse Learning. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 38(8), 9296-9304. https://doi.org/10.1609/aaai.v38i8.28782



AAAI Technical Track on Data Mining & Knowledge Management