2020 Volume E103.A Issue 7 Pages 893-905
In this paper, we explore the security of single-key Even-Mansour ciphers against key-recovery attacks. First, we introduce a simple key-recovery attack using key relations on an n-bit r-round single-key Even-Mansour cipher (r-SEM). This attack is feasible with queries of DTr=O(2rn) and $2^{\frac{2r}{r + 1}n}$ memory accesses, which is $2^{\frac{1}{r + 1}n}$ times smaller than the previous generic attacks on r-SEM, where D and T are the number of queries to the encryption function EK and the internal permutation P, respectively. Next, we further reduce the time complexity of the key recovery attack on 2-SEM by a start-in-the-middle approach. This is the first attack that is more efficient than an exhaustive key search while keeping the query bound of DT2=O(22n). Finally, we leverage the start-in-the-middle approach to directly improve the previous attacks on 2-SEM by Dinur et al., which exploit t-way collisions of the underlying function. Our improved attacks do not keep the bound of DT2=O(22n), but are the most time-efficient attacks among the existing ones. For n=64, 128 and 256, our attack is feasible with the time complexity of about $2^{n} \cdot \frac{1}{2 n}$ in the chosen-plaintext model, while Dinur et al.'s attack requires $2^{n} \cdot \frac{{\rm log}(n)}{ n} $ in the known-plaintext model.