Deep neural networks are successfully used for object and face recognition in images and videos. In order to be able to apply such networks in practice, for example in hospitals as a pain recognition tool, the current procedures are only suitable to a limited extent. The advantage of deep neural methods is that they can learn complex non-linear relationships between raw data and target classes without limiting themselves to a set of hand-crafted features provided by humans. However, the disadvantage is that due to the complexity of these networks, it is not possible to interpret the knowledge that is stored inside the network. It is a black-box learning procedure. Explainable Artificial Intelligence (AI) approaches mitigate this problem by extracting explanations for decisions and representing them in a human-interpretable form. The aim of this paper is to investigate the explainable AI methods Layer-wise Relevance Propagation (LRP) and Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanations (LIME). These approaches are applied to explain how a deep neural network distinguishes facial expressions of pain from facial expressions of emotions such as happiness and disgust.
Tiefe neuronale Netze werden erfolgreich für die Objekt- und Gesichtserkennung in Bildern und Videos verwendet. Die derzeiten Ansätze sind jedoch nur begrenzt in der Praxis, zum Beispiel zur Schmerzerkennung, verwendbar. Der Vorteil von Deep Learning Methoden liegt darin, dass sie in der Lage sind, komplexe, nichtlineare Zusammenhänge zwischen Rohdaten und Zielklassen zu lernen, ohne dass sie auf händisch durch Menschen generierte Merkmale angewiesen sind. Der Nachteil dieser Netzwerke besteht darin, dass sie sehr komplex sind und daher für Menschen schwer zu verstehen ist, warum das Netz zu seiner Entscheidung gekommen ist. Man bezeichnet diese Netzwerke deshalb auch als black-boxes. Methoden der erklärbaren künstlichen Intelligenz (AI) nehmen sich diesem Problem an, indem sie Erklärungen für Entscheidungen generieren und diese für Menschen in einer interpretierbaren Form darstellen. Das Ziel dieses Artikels ist es, die erklärbaren AI Methoden Layer-wise Relevance Propagation (LRP) und Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanations (LIME) zu nutzen, um die Entscheidungen eines tiefen neuronalen Netzes zu erklären, dass schmerzhafte Gesichtsausdrücke von Freude und Ekel darstellenden Gesichtern unterscheidet.
About the authors
Katharina Weitz received a Master of Science in Psychology and a Master of Science in Computing in the Humanities (Applied Computer Science) at the University of Bamberg, Germany. She is currently working at the University of Augsburg at the chair for Human-Centered Multimedia. She is interested in machine learning topics in the field of social robotics and virtual agents. The influence of explainability and transparency of intelligent systems on people’s trust is a central point of her research activities. She supports a human-centered usage of artificial intelligence and delves into ethical issues. In addition to her research activities, the communication of research knowledge to the general public in the form of lectures, workshops and exhibitions is an important concern to her.
Teena Hassan received her Bachelor of Technology degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Cochin University of Science and Technology in Kerala, India, in the year 2006. After graduation, she worked as a Project Engineer in the Telecom/Datacom domain. In 2014, she received her Master of Science degree in Autonomous Systems from the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, Sankt Augustin. After graduation, she joined Fraunhofer IIS, in Erlangen, where she conducted research in the field of automatic analysis of facial action units, with a special focus on modeling facial muscle motions, fusing multiple sources of facial expression information, and modeling uncertainty in measurements. Her research interests include facial expression analysis, sensor noise modeling, sensor fusion, and state estimation. She is currently a Research Associate at the Bielefeld University, conducting research on interaction architectures for social robots.
Ute Schmid holds a diploma in psychology and a diploma in computer science, both from Technical University Berlin (TUB), Germany. She received her doctoral degree (Dr. rer.nat.) in computer science from TUB in 1994 and her habilitation in computer science in 2002. From 1994 to 2001 she was assistant professor (wissenschaftliche Assistentin) at the AI/Machine Learning group, Department of Computer Science, TUB. Afterwards she worked as lecturer (akademische Rätin) for Intelligent Systems at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at University Osnabrück. Since 2004 she holds a professorship of Applied Computer Science/Cognitive Systems at the University of Bamberg. Research interests of Ute Schmid are mainly in the domain of comprehensible machine learning, explainable AI, and high-level learning on relational data, especially inductive programming, knowledge level learning from planning, learning structural prototypes, analogical problem solving and learning. Further research is on various applications of machine learning (e. g., classifier learning from medical data and for facial expressions) and empirical and experimental work on high-level cognitive processes. Ute Schmid dedicates a significant amount of her time to measures supporting women in computer science and to promote computer science as a topic in elementary, primary, and secondary education.
Dr. Garbas received the Dipl.-Ing. and Dr.-Ing. (summa cum laude) degrees in electrical engineering from Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany, in 2004 and 2010, respectively. In 2010 he joined Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS, where he was appointed head of the group Intelligent Systems 2011 and deputy head of department electronic imaging in 2012, respectively. He is responsible for industrial and public research project as well as software licensing in the area of real-time computer vision, affective computing and facial analysis.
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