A dual band-notched MIMO/Diversity antenna is proposed in this paper. The proposed antenna ensures notches in WiMAX band (3.3–3.6 GHz) besides WLAN band (5–6 GHz). Mushroom Electromagnetic Band Gap (EBG) arrangements are employed for discarding interfering frequencies. The procedure followed to attain notches is antenna shape independent with established formulas. The electromagnetic coupling among two narrowly set apart Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) monopoles is reduced by means of decoupling bands and slotted ground plane. Monopoles are 90° angularly parted with steps on the radiator. This aids to diminish mutual coupling and also adds in the direction of impedance matching by long current route. S21 or else mutual coupling of fewer than 15 dB is established over antenna operating range. Two-port envelope correlation coefficient is lower than 0.02 in UWB range of 3.1 GHz–10.6 GHz. The shifting in notch frequencies by varying variables in formulas is also reported. The suggested antenna is designed on low budget FR-4 substrate with measurements as (
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