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iBTune: individualized buffer tuning for large-scale cloud databases

Published: 01 June 2019 Publication History


Tuning the buffer size appropriately is critical to the performance of a cloud database, since memory is usually the resource bottleneck. For large-scale databases supporting heterogeneous applications, configuring the individual buffer sizes for a significant number of database instances presents a scalability challenge. Manual optimization is neither efficient nor effective, and even not feasible for large cloud clusters, especially when the workload may dynamically change on each instance. The difficulty lies in the fact that each database instance requires a different buffer size that is highly individualized, subject to the constraint of the total buffer memory space. It is imperative to resort to algorithms that automatically orchestrate the buffer pool tuning for the entire database instances.
To this end, we design iBTune that has been deployed for more than 10, 000 OLTP cloud database instances in our production system. Specifically, it leverages the information from similar workloads to find out the tolerable miss ratio of each instance. Then, it utilizes the relationship between miss ratios and allocated memory sizes to individually optimize the target buffer pool sizes.
To provide a guaranteed level of service level agreement (SLA), we design a pairwise deep neural network that uses features from measurements on pairs of instances to predict the upper bounds of the request response times. A target buffer pool size can be adjusted only when the predicted response time upper bound is in a safe limit. The successful deployment on a production environment, which safely reduces the memory footprint by more than 17% compared to the original system that relies on manual configurations, demonstrates the effectiveness of our solution.


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Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment  Volume 12, Issue 10
June 2019
177 pages
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VLDB Endowment

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Published: 01 June 2019
Published in PVLDB Volume 12, Issue 10


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