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An eight-dimensional systematic evaluation of optimized search algorithms on modern processors

Published: 01 July 2018 Publication History


Searching in sorted arrays of keys is a common task with a broad range of applications. Often searching is part of the performance critical sections of a database query or index access, raising the question what kind of search algorithm to choose and how to optimize it to obtain the best possible performance on real-world hardware. This paper strives to answer this question by evaluating a large set of optimized sequential, binary and k-ary search algorithms on a modern processor. In this context, we consider hardware-sensitive optimization strategies as well as algorithmic variations resulting in an eight-dimensional evaluation space.
As a result, we give insights on expected interactions between search algorithms and optimizations on modern hardware. In fact, there is no single best optimized algorithm, leading to a set of advices on which variants should be considered first given a particular array size.


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cover image Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment  Volume 11, Issue 11
July 2018
507 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents


VLDB Endowment

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Published: 01 July 2018
Published in PVLDB Volume 11, Issue 11


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  • (2023)Neural networks as building blocks for the design of efficient learned indexesNeural Computing and Applications10.1007/s00521-023-08841-135:29(21399-21414)Online publication date: 21-Jul-2023
  • (2021)Learned Sorted Table Search and Static Indexes in Small Model SpaceAIxIA 2021 – Advances in Artificial Intelligence10.1007/978-3-031-08421-8_32(462-477)Online publication date: 1-Dec-2021
  • (2020)Benchmarking learned indexesProceedings of the VLDB Endowment10.14778/3421424.342142514:1(1-13)Online publication date: 27-Oct-2020

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