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View all- An SCao Y(2024)Counterfactual Explanation at Will, with Zero Privacy LeakageProceedings of the ACM on Management of Data10.1145/36549332:3(1-29)Online publication date: 30-May-2024
Traditional database queries follow a simple model: they define constraints that each tuple in the result must satisfy. This model is computationally efficient, as the database system can evaluate the query conditions on each tuple individually. However,...
An enterprise information worker is often aware of a few example tuples (but not the entire result) that should be present in the output of the query. We study the problem of discovering the minimal project join query that contains the given example ...
Traditional database queries follow a simple model: they define constraints that each tuple in the result must satisfy. This model is computationally efficient, as the database system can evaluate the query conditions on each tuple individually. However,...
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