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An effective encoding scheme for spatial RDF data

Published: 01 August 2014 Publication History


The RDF data model has recently been extended to support representation and querying of spatial information (i.e., locations and geometries), which is associated with RDF entities. Still, there are limited efforts towards extending RDF stores to efficiently support spatial queries, such as range selections (e.g., find entities within a given range) and spatial joins (e.g., find pairs of entities whose locations are close to each other). In this paper, we propose an extension for RDF stores that supports efficient spatial data management. Our contributions include an effective encoding scheme for entities having spatial locations, the introduction of on-the-fly spatial filters and spatial join algorithms, and several optimizations that minimize the overhead of geometry and dictionary accesses. We implemented the proposed techniques as an extension to the opensource RDF-3X engine and we experimentally evaluated them using real RDF knowledge bases. The results show that our system offers robust performance for spatial queries, while introducing little overhead to the original query engine.


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cover image Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment  Volume 7, Issue 12
August 2014
296 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents


VLDB Endowment

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Published: 01 August 2014
Published in PVLDB Volume 7, Issue 12


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